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砵典乍街4號, 也是我們這個網站的名字,我們將㑹定期在這裡分享賽馬㑹家庭治療計劃的家庭故事!除了轉載李維榕博士在信報的專欄文章,同時會分享我們的臨床工作、青少年親自撰寫的心得、夫妻之道、業界的最新知識,以至跨代家庭的點點滴滴!
No 4. Pottinger Street is not just a family therapy center set up with funding support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, it is also an oasis in the urban concrete forest. We hope this will become a platform for the healing process of family relationships. Every member in the family can treat this as a resting place where they can take a break, exchange ideas, share opinions, and create interesting experiences together. Please join us and make this family of No. 4 Pottinger Street vibrant!